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Sally Hoch

Writer & #STEMGirl.

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Who am I?

Sally Hoch is a kid lit writer, an educator, a freelance writer, and a STEM speaker. 

Hoch rhymes with joke!

Image by Milad Fakurian

Getting to Know Sally

When Sally was a child, she used to help her mother in her elementary classroom. Sally's favorite job was "organizing the books," because she could read for hours and no one would bother her.

As Sally aged, she devoured Encyclopedia Brown, the Boxcar Children, and Harriet the Spy. She read everything in the library by E.B. White. As she grew older still, she discovered Peg Kehret and Lois Lowry. High school brought the Harry Potter craze, and Sally was an early adopter, convincing her "too cool" high school and college peers to read the books and attend midnight release parties. Sally started a book club in her first year as a working adult, and it still meets regularly today.

Books have always been a part of Sally's life, and books for young people ​are always her favorites. 

Follow me on instagram @sallyhochwriter

"As soon as I have got flying to perfection, I have got a scheme about a steam engine."

Ada Lovelace
Mathematician & Writer

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